Our Mission
The TermSAFE mission is to help website and app users improve their confidence and
comfort level before agreeing to Terms and Conditions. We realize that most people
do not read Terms and Conditions, or any service agreements, and click AGREE on
just blind faith. Many users have trepidation and discomfort over potential liabilities
and costs, but click AGREE anyway. There are many situations where a thorough understanding
of the Terms and Conditions is useful, particularly in areas of privacy, hidden
fees, recurring charges, and areas of liabilities. Nevertheless, due to the length
of these agreements and due to the difficulty of reading and interpreting them,
most users click AGREE. TermSAFE is not dispensing
legal advice but an opinion where we believe that users can Feel Free to Click Agree.
The ratings for sites reviewed are based on a formula we use that accounts for many factors which in our opinion
would affect the confidence and comfort level for most people in agreeing to Terms and Conditions. In addition,
in many cases, we will list the potential area/areas of concern. Of course, it is always wise to read all Terms
and Conditions, but the reality is that on the web, most people do not.
TermSAFE aids and supports businesses by providing a live TermSAFE shield which allows you to show your users that
your Terms and Conditions have been reviewed and they do business with you in total confidence and comfort. Once
again, TermSAFE’s mission is to improve the users online experience, improve the business’s customer service while
improving the relationship between the two.
Request a Review
If there are any web sites or mobile applications you need reviewed,
click here to fill out our request form and we'll complete your review within 48 hours.
Obtain Our Shield
For the many companies who wish to show their users that their Terms and Conditions
have been reviewed by TermSAFE, please
click here
for details on how to apply for a TermSAFE review.